Kin – Fiscal Sponsor

Learn More
- Kin Website
- “New Online Platform Brings People From Across Milwaukee Together To Talk About Race” (WUWM 4/7/21)
- “How Talk Therapy Is Connecting Milwaukeeans of Different Races” (Milwaukee Magazine 4/7/21)
Kin is a project created by Dominique Samari of P3 Development Group that aims to develop authentic cross-racial relationships in Milwaukee. These conversations grow into relationships that work to address the city’s challenges of segregation and inequality.
UEDA serves as the fiscal sponsor for Kin.
Goals & Challenges:
Kin is a 4-month guided conversation designed to create vulnerable and authentic connections. The conversations are the project, the relationships are the product.
- Secure financial support to develop a platform that helps facilitate connections and conversations.
- Create a new website to provide a consistent, semi-automated mechanism for connecting the participants to the project.
- Work with partners to market and expand the reach of Kin to participants in companies, schools, churches and other community organizations.
- Milwaukee’s deep segregation can make it difficult for people with different lived experiences to connect.
- There are not many spaces where people can experience the vulnerability that leads to more authentic relationships and deep conversations.
In alignment with our mission, UEDA provides capacity building support to a variety of community and economic development initiatives.
- Serving as a fiscal sponsor is one way we can support emerging projects and programs.
- Provide administrative support to secure philanthropic support during the growth and evolution of Kin.
- Members of UEDA staff were involved in early efforts to develop and establish the program.
- Assisted Kin to receive and manage funding to support the project’s launch.
- Kin launched their first cohort of participants from the 2018 Belonging Project to test the guided conversation model. Many were eager to continue the conversations that were started there.
- Created a new website for the project ( with support from Mueller Communications.
- Seeking additional philanthropic grants to expand participation in Kin and manage the conversation platform through the next stage of the Kin project.